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Sample: Business letter

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Whitcomb Polytechnic
20-30 Newcastle Road
Tyne and Wear

11 October 2007
The General Manager
Fukuoka Motors (UK) Ltd
PO Box 137
York Road

Dear Sir

I understand from my colleague, Professor William Jones, who visited your Loughton plant last month, that you sometimes allow groups of students to tour the factory and see for themselves how Japanese production techniques operate in a European environment. Professor Jones himself was most impressed by his own visit, and recommended that I write to you.

Would it be possible for a group of 20 Business Studies students - male and female, aged between 18 and 22 - from Whitcomb Polytechnic to visit you before the end of this term, which is on the 21 December? I realise that you must receive many requests for such visits, and that the time available may already be booked up. If it is not, and you are able to see us, I should be most grateful if you could suggest a date and let me know of any normal conditions you lay down for visits of this kind.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

B Farrant (Dr)
Senior Lecturer

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About valiant cmsian

I believe there is no subsitute of study hard and i know its difficult to focus on studying but trust me its worth it. I browsed a lot of educational sites to collect each and every topic related with COURSE CONTENTS of BBA(HONS). Here is my all effort which i m sharing with the students of Business addministration. Hope it will help you in your study. DO NOT DEPEND ON CHEATING, JUST STUDY HARD.
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